With a successful WOF under my belt, I could finally drive the Marina out on the roads and see what it is actually like.
Tag: Coupe
Well, here we are, It’s time to try this WOF thing again.
It’ll come as no surprise that I’ve paid for a lot of alignments in my time, and as on most cars they can only really adjust toe, it began to irk me how little value I got for my money.
Along with the underside tidy-up that I did in the last update, there were a few mechanical bits I needed to deal with before the next inspection in a couple of weeks.
After the bitter disappointment of the failed “WOF” I’ve been non-stop working on plans to move forward, and yesterday I put the first of these into action.
The time finally came. After many years and countless hours of work, it was WOF time.
It’s happening, the Marina is finally booked in for a WOF. It’s only a couple of years late, but better than never.
I’m still slowly ticking off jobs on the whiteboard, and although this wasn’t a “pre-wof” job, I wanted to get it done before a couple of other jobs in the queue that were.
I feel like a WOF inspector wouldn’t look kindly upon a car like the Marina failing to start, so I needed to address that.
Amongst all the other cars that have had their time in the garage the past couple of months, the Marina hasn’t been forgotten about.