Unfortunately, due to my special ability to keep bringing neglected cars home with me, I now have a dire need to make some space, so the BMW will be sold.
Tag: Leaks
Since replacing the valve cover gasket, once the paint smell had burned off I could still smell a faint smell of burning oil from under the bonnet. This was strange since I spent a lot of time degreasing the area before replacing the gasket, there shouldn’t be any oil there.
Some goodies arrived during the week, so it was time to get under the Tasmin and rip out some hose.
Progress on the BMW is slow. Unfortunately I fix one thing, and in the process find something else that is broken and needs more parts ordered.
Maybe leaving a 38 year old car outside in some of the heaviest rain we have had wasn’t such a good idea.
Like all the cars I obtain, I don’t mess around, so today I tore into the brakes to replace the leaky cylinders.
Another day, more coolant. I’m quickly running out of time to get Effie ready for the show this weekend, but I needed to fix the leaking coolant first.
It rained heavily the other day, for the first time since getting the Vitesse…. and it leaked. Damn.
Owning a Rover SD1 means accepting that you will always have something to fix.
When you own an old, modified car, you start to get used to finding unusual ways to fix things.