The time finally came. After many years and countless hours of work, it was WOF time.
Tag: Leyland
It’s happening, the Marina is finally booked in for a WOF. It’s only a couple of years late, but better than never.
Like usual, it’s been a while between updates, but progress has been progressing. Finally, we’re reassembling the interior once and for all.
I’m still slowly ticking off jobs on the whiteboard, and although this wasn’t a “pre-wof” job, I wanted to get it done before a couple of other jobs in the queue that were.
I feel like a WOF inspector wouldn’t look kindly upon a car like the Marina failing to start, so I needed to address that.
Progress on the Marina has been slow. I had hoped it would be on the road by now, but that’s not happened.
It was nearing the end of the holiday period, and a little Marina waited patiently for some attention.
I’ve been pushing forward with the Marina this week, spending a couple of days after work finishing up some of the bodywork.
Finally, something other than bodywork. You’re sick of reading about it, I’m sick of doing and writing about it. In a change of scenery, I moved to the front suspension to sort out an issue this Marina had.
Winter sucks. Not only is it cold and dark, but it also makes working in the garage a somewhat unappealing prospect. That, and having other projects on the go, caused a bit of a slowdown with the Marina.